Deal or No Deal

Tis the season of the sample sale, when hordes of clothes crazed women trek to all areas of the city to grab a designer deal. Opening Ceremony, APC, and Philip Lim are just a few of the chic bargains you too can be privy to. But this bitch has a bone to pick. I am a lowly pedestrian. Most of the sample sales that I attend are still too expensive for me to afford. And yet, the bombest bargains that I can find are being swept up by rich ass muthafuhs who can buy that shit retail. Case in point: JENNIFER LOVE HEWITT. On May 30th she was spotted waiting in line at 8am for the LA James Pearse sample sale. LOVE,YOU TRIPPIN? Not only does this bitch have millions of dollars, most of the time she's nekked anyway. Leave the sales to the ladies who need em. And brush your shoulders off.
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