tip your hat to tipton

Docu-dramas are inherently strange as a medium, most commonly bringing to mind the enthralling re-enactments on E! True Hollywood Stories or grade school history videos. When done well, however, they can shock and awe. Case in point, Michael Winterbottom's latest fete d'accompli, "Road to Guantanamo," which recreates the story of three Muslim men from Britain now known as the Tipton Three. In 2001 they set off for a wedding in Pakistan, took a side trip to Afghanistan and were captured by the Northern Alliance, held at an American military camp and later shipped to Guantánamo. They remained imprisoned there for two years, until evidence emerged that they were still in Britain at the time they were accused of having been at a rally with Osama bin Laden. The film intertwines unreal recreated footage of Afghanistan 2001 with interviews of the real Tipton Three. It is not only a brilliant film, but a shocking look at the injustices committed at Guantanamo. See it, and then write a letter to Bush to shut that shit down. Just don't use too many big words. They'll overwhelm him.
For more information visit www.roadtoguantanamomovie.com
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