
So no one really cares about Ahmet Zappa and Selma Blair. I mean unless you're one of those people who fashions your belief in the institution of marriage on the happiest celebrity unions (read: me). But, c'est la vie, c'est la guerre, the two lovebirds are no more, citing irreconcilable differences after nearly three years of marriage. After most of these heart-wrenching splits, the ladies confide in their girl groups, as Jess did with Eva L and Eva M (can you say Latina fetish?) and Denise did with...oh wait she just fucked another dude. But strange of all stranges, Selma has chosen no shoulder to cry on other than the one and only DIDDY. Us Weekly reports the two were out strolling in Malibu on June 24th. I'm all...Making the band 4?
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